Saturday, 29 December 2012

Display an image as a custom field on Salesforce


There are many times when we need to display an image as a custom field like when a status of a contact is changed to pending or accepted. 
Though this is possible natively on it is not so direct. Here’s an example which will illustrate how to display an image on/as a custom field on

You need to be an administrator or should have the permissions to modify Objects.

Following are the Steps:

1) Upload the Image to Salesforce

  •     Navigate to the documents tab

  • Fill in the details of your file, make it externally available and click save 
  • Once the image is saved, keep a note of its record id, which can be found on the URL(ex: 015U0000000HxC9)

2) Now we need to add a custom field to the object where we need to display the image, here I am adding the field to a custom object

·                  Navigate to Setupà Create à Objects à (Custom Object) à Add new Custom field
·                   On Step 1 Select the field type as “formula” and click next
·                   On Step 2 Select the Field Return type as “Text”
·                   On step 3 Select the Advanced Formula
Specify the condition on which the image is to be displayed. E.g. I want to display this image when my status field is set to “accepted”,


Replace the Record ID of your file on the highlighted code.
·         On Step 4 & 5 select the settings you wish and click save.

Now you can see the image on the page layout according to your specified formula.

Hope this helped you. Please leave a comment if you need any help regarding this post or any other related issues.

More info on

Image Function:
Documents Tab: