Monday, 28 October 2013

Freeze Users In Salesforce

What is Freezing User mean ?

We all know what deactivating a user in salesforce means : They will not be deleted from the system but will no longer be able to log in to Salesforce and their records can be transferred to another user.They cannot be part of workflows or part of any automated processes. Click here to read more on Deactivating users. Freezing a User is when you have to do some extra work to get the user deactivated.

e.g. If your ORG is one among the larger ones which uses a lot of automated process or has custom hierarchy fields then you may already know deactivating a user selected in a custom hierarchy field is not a one step process. So you can freeze the user account to ensure you've enough time clean up, transfer the records and then finally deactivate the user.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Describe all the fields for all SObjects

In one of the requirements I came across, I needed to get the list of all the fields across all objects. I wanted to make sure that I did in the best possible way, But couldn't find any straight answers. So here's the code I came up with. Its simple and straight-forward and if you find a better way to do this let me know in the comments. Thank you

To start off, we need the list of SObjects that we are going to run this for. Ideally we should have the list of SObjects stored in a Custom setting, this is a one time thing and could be done using anonymous apex execution. Following is the code to do just that..

List<string> SObjectList = new List<string>();

for(Schema.SObjectType objTyp : Schema.getGlobalDescribe().Values()){
   String name = objTyp.getDescribe().getName();
   // Exclude all the unwanted Sobjects e.g. History, Share etc..

 if(!name.containsignorecase('history') && !name.containsignorecase('tag')&&
    !name.containsignorecase('share') && !name.containsignorecase('feed')){      
   // Insert into your custom settings
Now that we've got the entire list of SObjects, lets do a Global Describe. Before we move on there is a gotcha here, as you know there is a governor limit on the number of Describes in an execution context (As of Winter '14 its 100 in both asynchronous and Synchronous) . I'll go ahead and suggest that its best if you could either do it in multiple executions or use a limit to control the number of SObjects processed.

      SObjectFieldsMap = new Map<string,Set<string>> ();
      Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> GlobalDescribe = new Map<String, Schema.SObjectType>();
      // Get the Global Describe which contains details for all objects
      GlobalDescribe =Schema.getGlobalDescribe();

      // Now we loop through our pre-compiled list of SObjects and get the describes for it
      for(String sObj:SObjectList)
       // Populate the Map, with Sobject => list of fields
       if(SObjectFieldsMap.get(Sobj)==null && GlobalDescribe.get(sObj)!=null)
        SObjectFieldsMap.put(sObj,new Set<string>());

        if(SObjectFieldsMap.get(sObj)!=null) // Some Objects may not have Describes 
Well thats pretty much it. Hope this helps, let me know if you need anymore clarifications on this or if you've got some thoughts on this. Happy Coding!